The Choices Are Everything

Every ingredient that goes into a recipe is a choice. The volume of each ingredient is also a choice. The timing, temperature, and process of adding the ingredient is also a choice.

It’s a choice to make it in your kitchen instead of someone else’s.

It’s a choice to take a taste throughout the process to determine if it’s on track.

In quality management, there’s an optimization model that calls on you to ask why five times and then a how when you’re facing a consequence.

(Why was production off? The canning line broke down. Why did the canning line break down? We weren’t staffed accordingly to prevent it. Why weren’t you staffed accordingly? The manager thought we could make it work? Why did she think it would work? She’s done it before at another establishment. How did she achieve seamless production at the other establishment?)

Every step of that was a choice and the value-add comes from exploring all the choices that resulted in the production being off.

If you’re not getting the results you want then it’s worth evaluating the choices you’re making. All of them. The smaller the better.

Ultimately, the choices are everything.

Stay Positive & The Controllable Outweighs The Uncontrollable

Garth Beyer
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