The “Learn More” CTA

Learning More

Adding a “Learn More” button isn’t very persuasive. It’s almost passive.

“Hey, if you liked what you learned, there’s more where that came from. No biggie if you don’t, but it’s here if you do. Thanks!”

The “Learn More” button is times more important than a “Buy now” or “Request a Quote” button. Not because “Learn More” results in more conversions, but because it results in better ones.

People interested in your brand before a conversion are more likely to be loyal to it, to tell friends about it and to come back again.

What’s more is that you know your marketing message is a strong one if you can pique someone’s interest. After all, your target doesn’t need to know everything about your brand.

Just enough.

And just enough is usually right before you add what you need to end with a “buy now” CTA.

Stay Positive & Just Enough Is Enough

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Garth Beyer
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