The Narrative At Large

Narrative At Large

WholeFoods does have products that are less expensive than its competitors.

Zappos does have some customers who have had a frustrating return experience.

And good ol’ Zig Ziglar did have days that he gave up, stayed in bed and didn’t sell.

All of these experiences, though, we don’t see because of the narrative at large.

WholeFoods is perceived as expensive, so we’re more likely to notice all the products that are.

We read all the heartwarming return stories of Zappos and we listen to hours and hours of Zig Ziglar being the Zig Ziglar that we know and love because those are the narratives we tell ourselves are true.

It’s worth noting that the narratives for each brand were designed, formulaic and intentional.

The crux of creating a larger narrative is by surprising and delighting, but even more so by simply and forwardly connecting with someone to create a memorable (and by extension, often sharable) experience. And to do so, we must be intentional.

You’re not given a narrative at large, you earn it through providing a specific remarkable value, consistently.


Stay Positive & What’s Your Narrative Again?

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Garth Beyer
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