The Only Ones Who Love A Rally


To be the one who has to rally toward a goal … It’s stressful, taxing, and draining. We rally when there’s a deadline in front of us or when we don’t want to lose.

It’s equally not fun for those on your team. It’s an uncomfortable spot to see that you’re behind and know anything we do might not help you successfully rally.

For spectators, though, they love a rally.

Consider the 4-point comeback of the Sharks the other night or watching mini sail boat races on the water or a new business opening up down the street.

It’s fun to watch someone need to rally if they’re going to make it. The wind has to align, the team needs to be in lock-step, the business needs to care – it’s like a movie.

But your mission isn’t to produce spectators, your mission is to build a team and succeed in your own goals. And to do that, we have to thrash early so we don’t have to rally in the final hour.

Thrashing is energizing, uplifting and collaborative. Very different than rallying.

Stay Positive & Thrash Early, Thrash Often

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Garth Beyer
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