The Reason For And Against

Reasons For And Against

There’s very little that will make it more clear to others that your idea will work than if you present both the reasons for it as well as the reasons against.

Only having reasons for, is interpreted as salesy. It’s misleading. Or worse… They think you’re short-sighted. You haven’t thought the idea through. You’re being ignorant.

If you want to earn someone’s loyalty, tell them why they shouldn’t believe in you first.

“We might not be able to offer you the best product, but we’ll give you the best experience.”

“I can’t compete on pricing, but I can guarantee that you’ll leave knowing that it was worth it.”

It’s all about quieting the devil’s advocate before he has a chance to speak up.


Stay Positive & Being Convincing Starts With Being Truthful About What You’re Not

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Garth Beyer
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