The Way You Think About It

Consistent Stories & Reasons

Consistent brands prevail.

One’s that think about the story they want to tell no matter where they are telling it.

Especially one’s that think about the best avenues to tell that story.

It’s about the way a major fashion brand approaches direct marketing the same way they approach their blog content. It’s all about clicks and return on that investment. They pay the stamps because they get a return on the stamps to buy more stamps. They pay the blog content, because they get a return on the content to invest in more content.

The way a major chocolate brand approaches their customer service is the same way they approach their packaging. It’s all about sharing the reason for the brand and what people get out of buying it. They put in the training because it helps them tell the story better. They design and redesign and redesign their packaging (and then change it again) because it helps them tell the story better.

The execution might be different, but the reason why they’re doing what they’re doing, the story they’re working to resonate with and the way they’re thinking about the impact they’ll make is the same across the board.

The more ways we think about it, the less likely our brand will succeed.

We must have a reason.

Stay Positive & Then Consistent With That Reason

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Garth Beyer
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