There’s A Line

The Line

Isn’t there always?

A line you need to cross, that if you don’t, then it implies you didn’t try hard enough, give enough, care enough.

A line you don’t want to cross, that if you do then it implies you tried too hard, gave too much, cared more than enough.

The lie we tell ourselves is that there’s a space between. And that begs the question: If there isn’t space between, are you better off crossing or not crossing the line?


Stay Positive & You Know The Answer

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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4 thoughts on “There’s A Line

  • July 27, 2017 at 12:15 PM

    Then the question of…if you’ve crossed the line and realized you shouldn’t have…are you supposed to jump back over to safety and pretend you’d never crossed the line in the first place?

  • July 28, 2017 at 6:24 AM

    Definitely not. You either adapt to the new situation or the situation adapts to your excessive amount of caring.

  • August 3, 2017 at 12:34 PM

    Excessive amount of caring. You make it sound like that could be considered a bad thing.

  • August 3, 2017 at 7:49 PM

    Sometimes people tell themselves it is. They pawn it off as a bad thing. “I get myself into this position because I care too much.” I’m suggesting they lean in and adapt to it. Don’t care less. Care differently.

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