There’s Never Been A Better Time

There's Never Been A Better Time

If you asked me to explain what a confirmation bias is, here’s the example I would share.

A realtor is showing you the house, asks what you like, what you don’t like, and says there’s never been a better time to buy a home.

She’s not lying.

For her, there really has never been a better time for someone to buy a home…from her.

Consider the stress, pressure and insecurity she would have to deal with if she worked as a realtor during the worst time to buy a home. Not glamorous, and certainly not reassuring.

Better that she confirm she made the right career choice by reminding herself there’s never been a better time for her to work as a realtor.

But for you. The homebuyer, now may not be the best time ever to buy a home.

When it comes to sellers and buyers, the seller is there to analyze from the buyer’s perspective whether it is or if there will be a better time to buy a home. It’s the same for marketers, artists, friends, bosses and so on.

When you hear “there’s never been a better time,” think wisely whether they are referring to themselves or to you.

There’s a difference between someone who is looking out for you and who is looking out for themselves.

Better to figure out which it is up front.


Stay Positive & There’s Never Been A Better Time To Stop And Think (They’ll wait. Trust me.)

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Garth Beyer
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