Too Far In

Following Your Passion

If you’re passionate about something, you’re bound to get too far into it.

And it’ll happen in either one or two ways.

Either the creativity will take precedence, you’ll be dreaming way outside of the realm of feasibility, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure by promising too much and you’ll break the borders of practicality and familiarity.

Or… or… you’ll have built your box, created too small of a promise, set risk aside and followed a simple recipe and everything is there to meet spec rather than to surprise and delight.

When we’re too far in, either we’re overly rational or overly irrational.

The hard work is to dance on both sides when pursuing a passion.

Do what works, sure, but also do what might not.

Stay Positive & Back And Forth, Art And Science, Yin And Yang

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Garth Beyer
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