Trainee To Trainer

Lessons About Training

There will be several times in your life that you begin as the trainee and quickly turn into the trainer.

At work, with friends, in business, in relationships–everywhere.

The problem is that not many will set you up for success as a trainer. They (wrongfully) assume that since you were trained and do the task well, that you can then train anyone.

That’s not the case.

Knowing how doesn’t mean you can teach anyone. Training is its own artform.

While the following list isn’t going to be all-encompassing. It’s a start for what you need to think about as you make the transition from being the trainee to becoming the trainer.

1) Aggressively take notes as you’re being trained on everything the person training you has done right and has screwed up. Own to never make the same mistakes and be sure to repeat the successful tactics.

2) Don’t dive into training someone. Get to know them better. Don’t assume what way they work. Ask them. The way you train person A will be different from the way you train person B. One might need to drive while you watch and critique versus them watching you.

3) Whether in doubt or not. Follow up with an email of everything you said. Most of the time you’ll realize something you missed or it’ll spark that additional question from the trainee that will make for better work.

4) On that note, make it clear that you expect them to make the work or process better. It’s not just about executing the same thing over and over.

5) To help them do so, they truly need to know why they are doing what they are doing. If I were you, I’d practice this before you train them. Don’t try to give them an off the cuff reason why the work they are doing is important. Know what you’re going to say beforehand.

More tips to come in a future post. Put these into action now.


Stay Positive & What Training Tips Do You Have For Those Becoming Trainers?

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Garth Beyer
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