Upsell Or Downsell

It’s quite easy to sell something unique of similar value after you’ve made an initial sale.

People are committed and enrolled in your story. They can easily rationalize buying the next thing you offer.

The problem for marketers is not upselling, but getting the first sale that starts the chain reaction.

My two cents is to consider the ways you can downsell– as in, what do you need to sell even before the thing you’re trying to sell now?

Real life example from the bar: we’re selling specialty themed beer boxes. The upsell can be a pint when they pick them up or a subscription to the boxes or some merch. As for the downsell, we’ve learned that we can sell tasting events around the theme of the beer boxes to encourage people to buy the beer boxes.

The problem wasn’t the beer boxes themselves, the price or the value; it was the lack of connection to the box in advance.

What you’re offering isn’t always the problem; it’s likely the enrollment people have signed up for in advance.

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Garth Beyer
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