Or save that money to make sure you can keep your business afloat and add value to your product while you reach out to the users and establish relationships. Start conversations. Send emails. Make contacts. Show up.
Instead of paying for ad space in Denver, drive there.
Instead of paying for ad space in the Silicon Bayou News, contact a reporter, share your story and establish a relationship. Your story is advertising enough. (right?)
Instead of paying for ad space where your target audience hangs, go hang there yourself.
Instead of paying for ad space between television shows, go create an incredible (sharable!) YouTube video.
Advertising is great fun when you have the money to try remarkable things with it, but when you don’t, money is better spent adding value to the experience, to the story than it is trying to show the experience to people with an ad.
After all, if you have to pay for a product to be in someone’s face to get their attention, is your product really worth it? A lot of people are beginning to wonder the same thing.
Stay Positive & Experience Speaks For Itself And People Are Happy To Relay The Message
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