We Are All Content Creators

Content On A Table

Since we’ve been handed the internet and can easily create any content under the sun for those out there we seek to serve, there are some actions to consider before, during and after creating content.

  • Are you making the reader/customer/user the hero
  • If you’re going to choose a pronoun (I, we, you) then stick with it
  • Acknowledge that a lot of what you create will be shit. Then move on
  • Reach out to others rather than waiting to be reached out to
  • Don’t pay attention to the metrics of your content. It’s not why you started to create in the first place
  • Nothing will get you to where you need to go than creating consistently. Quantity doesn’t matter and quality naturally grows, but only if you’re consistent
  • It’s okay to steal ideas. Give a shout out when appropriate otherwise steal and riff
  • Even when you don’t feel like creating, just start. Create for two minutes, then you can stop

This reminds me. Back in the day I wrote a Slideshare of Blunt Reminders To Be Bold. Might be worth clicking through.

Stay Positive & Keep Creating

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Garth Beyer
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