What Foresight Really Is

Straight to the kicker: Foresight is just hindsight done in the future.

Prepping for an interview is just that. You’re role playing in your head all the questions you’ll get asked and how you would answer them… then you critique the answers and figure out how you could have answered them better.

The same goes for marketing plans. You’re anticipating market trends in advance of them happening and then playing the game of trial & error (with none of the actual risk, though it sure does feel like it).

There’s a reason the power of regret, is, well, powerful; it’s just foresight with emotions.

All to say, foresight, by all evaluations is a skill.

And like any skill, it can be trained, grown, advanced…

Stay Positive & Can You Guess How Many Treat It Like A Skill?

Garth Beyer
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