What Matters In Your Work

You're What Matters

It’s not necessarily the business plan that matters to your work, but it certainly helps.

Same with mentorship, a good social presence and a tribe that has followed you since day one.

But, what truly matters most in your work is you.

Without you, we can find a different restaurant, a different shirt, a different phone.

We know what we would do if what you offer went away, but the brands that remain remarkable are the ones that get us to wonder how we can carry on without them.

A phone without Jobs isn’t as meaningful. A shirt brand without Johnny isn’t as remarkable. A montessori class without that one teacher? Can you imagine Tesla without Elon or Amazon without Jeff?

Better to boldly stand in front of a brand than to hide behind it.

It’s scarier, but worth it.

Stay Positive & We Choose You Because Of You

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Garth Beyer
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