What You Hand Over

You can drop off a platter of tacos at a table.

You can hand over the creative brief to the department.

You can send an email to your team.

The content itself is important to get right, but you’re evaluated by so much more.

You have a chance to hand over energy and emotion with every interaction.

You can drop off an experience that makes the table feel like they are being treated like royalty.

You can hand over a brief and ensure your excitement of the work that’s upcoming is inspiring and invigorating – so much so that it’s contagious to the team in that moment; your energy actually makes them want to read the brief.

And that email? Well, Claude can help you come up with a hundred ways to sign off in a way that delivers both emotion and vulnerability.

Stay Positive & You’re Actually Giving More Than You Think Your Giving (But You Can Make It Intentional)

Garth Beyer
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