What’s Doing The Heavy Lifting?

People Working

Are you relying on ads to do the heavy lifting of getting customers in the door?

Are you hoping the aesthetic of your venue will do the heavy lifting of getting folks to come back?

Are you relying on Google to do the heavy lifting of being found?

Turns out that things can’t successfully do the heavy lifting for you. It’s not a what’s doing the heavy lifting, but who?

Do you have a team of listeners and engagers? Are you making promises to people and sticking to them? Are you showing up consistently, every day?

The problem isn’t the efficacy of a marketing tactic or strategy, it’s our expectations that they can do all the heavy lifting.

At the end of the day, it’s people engaging with people. It’ll never get easier (to do the heavy lifting), but it will always be worth it.

Stay Positive & Start Early, Lift Often

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Garth Beyer
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