When To Jump To Future-State?

Shiny ideas are, well, shiny. And many-a-shiny-idea has turned into a remarkable success story.

I often wonder how quickly one should jump to the future-state of a fun idea, though.

There’s some sweet spot between there being an idea that everyone is gung-ho about, excited, riffing on and bonding over and then the future-state reality of questions like “does this align with our business goals?” “can we afford it?” “is this actually worth it?” “what will the board think of it” “what does success actually look like?” “what does failure look like?”

You know, when ideas go to die an honorable death.

In the early days of my career I was investing much more time in the ideation and shiny object stage. These days? I’m finding myself more quickly jumping to the future-state.

Perhaps I’m merely more interested in shiny ideas that will work than shiny ideas that won’t.

It’s an efficient process with a winning track record, but it does beg the question of how soon is to soon to imagine an idea in its future-state at the expense of the joy of ideation and collaboration.

Right now the thinking is: faster to the future-state because if the fun idea is also a functional idea, it’s far more fun to brainstorm and collaborate than when it’s not.

Stay Positive & Enjoy Winning Together As Much (If Not More Than) Ideating Together

Garth Beyer
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