Which Is More Important

Do The Important Work

Regularly checking up on your task when you’re shifting from this to that is beneficial to your mental clarity, focus and passion.

We inherently feel bad when performing one task when we know we should be working on another, more important one.

While this is usually the case (think of being on Facebook when you ought to be writing that news release), it’s worth acknowledging when you’ve upgraded your task.

Consider one who forgoes writing a blog post to help someone write copy for their own project. It feels good.

I recall when I was the manager of a magazine and didn’t get a spit of my own work complete during work time. I was always jumping from department to department, writer to writer to help them create remarkable work.

To me, anytime I’m performing a task, it’s worth asking: Is this the most important work I should be doing? If not, is it at least helping someone else create important work?

The answer needs to be yes to one of them.



Stay Positive & If It’s Not, Change The Task

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Garth Beyer
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