Who Can I Ask?

If you’re faced with a challenge you’re struggling with, it’s entirely fair to ask someone for insight, help, or – my personal favorite – to react to a solution idea (rather than asking them to come up with one from scratch).

The issue I see with some who agree that this is a great move is they don’t know who to ask. So they stall.

Mainly because they don’t like the answer to the question: who can I ask?


Over the years of running businesses, every quarter or so I’ll get an email from someone I’ve never met asking for advice. The question is almost always ill thought out and sometimes it even answers itself as they ramble on, but I love these more than any other questions I get because what’s indicative of a leader in the making isn’t the answer I give them, it’s the fact they asked someone. Anyone.

Stay Positive & Ask Anyone… But Do Ask

Garth Beyer
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