Why Thrash Early

Thrashing Early

When someone says “something always comes up last second,” it’s hard to believe that can’t be course-corrected.

The problems we face that cause us to thrash near the deadline can often be prevented.

Yet, after the thrash, after the fire alarm, after the mad dash at the end, the pain is gone and we begin to convince ourselves, “That wasn’t so bad” or “At least it’s over with now.”

Thinking like that is exactly why the work loop begins again with the next project (and ends just the same).

Better to thrash early, set your own earlier deadline, put the pressure on the project to force the breaks early and to provide cushion on all the other items that need to happen before it goes out the door (proofing, approvals, feedback from others, etc,.)

Doing something fast doesn’t mean it’s not done well. What matters is when you do the work fast.


Stay Positive & Sooner Is Better

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Garth Beyer
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