Work To Liked Spectrum

Meeting In The Middle

There’s a spectrum of work personalities you may have noticed.

On one end you have the folks who want to be liked, who are people pleasers. You might imagine them to be a bit of an air head because they’re so focused on connecting on a personal level that sometimes the work fumbles. They’re the ones that toss jokes out at inopportune times.

On the other end of the spectrum, you have people who think it’s all about the work. You’ll perceive them as bull dogs, rude and insensitive. They’ll cut you off, wrangle in any tangential conversations and be the first to speak up before you’re done talking.

While neither is wrong, it might be worth checking at the door where on the spectrum you’re at, especially if it’s a team project (when is it never?). Teams work better when they can all meet in the middle of the spectrum.


Stay Positive & The Work Gets Better When They Do, Too

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Garth Beyer
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