Would You Rather

Would You Rather

Often times we rationalize dealing with poor experiences by playing the would you rather game.

Would you rather deal with what you’re dealing with now or deal with something worse?

Others skip the game and say, “well, it could always be worse.”

Moreover, we blindly agree with the idea that if we all threw our troubles into a pile and saw what everyone else was dealing with, we would take ours back.

This is troubling.

Why is the circumstance your dealing with and a worse circumstance the only options? Why can’t you agree that, you know what, it could always be better. Why don’t we think that if we all threw our troubles in a pile that we would leave them there and start something better from scratch?

Rationalizing bad experiences isn’t about rationalizing bad experiences, it’s about turning your shoulder to doing work that matters, to accepting the call to rise above and figure out a better way.

Not sure about you, but if I’m going to spend any energy it’s going to be on making something better and not on trying to convince myself that things could be worse.


Stay Positive & Grass Is Greener On The Side You Water

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Garth Beyer
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