You Can Always Come Back And Do More

When it comes to quality versus quantity, you can always come back and do more.

If your form sucks while working out, you’ll either be exhausted or injured before you think of upping the quantity of reps.

If your writing has to go through four rounds of edits before it’s good enough to put out there, your editor will be done with you before you get through half the chapters in your book.

If your deck presentation is putting your audience to sleep in the first few slides, what are the chances of them caring what you have to say by the time you get to slide 35?

It’s reassuring to me that nothing is stopping me from coming back and presenting a few more lifts, a few more words, a few more slides. In fact, people want you to when they see you’ve put quality first.


Stay Positive & Quality Not Over Quantity, Just Before It

Garth Beyer
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