Could We Do This?

Doubt And Certianty

It’s almost always more profitable and fulfilling and collectively rewarding to work in doubt than in certainty.

If you’re certain it works, then it loses its main value.

A juggler isn’t great because he can juggle. A juggler is great because he might fail.

It’s worth noting how often you’re asking “could we do this?” Could we take an idea to the edge? Could we try something we never have before? Could we succeed with something new?

If your team says, “I don’t know, but let’s give it a shot,” then you’re surrounded by a supportive team.

If they push back, if they fight for keeping things the way they are, if they want to stay in the space of certainty, it may be worth your time to search for a new team.


Stay Positive & Play In The Field Of Uncertainty (It’s Where The Magic Is)

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Garth Beyer
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