What I Want

What I Want

About two and a half years ago I wrote a very short list of things I want. I open up the document containing the list every month or so, usually when I’m cleaning out my DropBox.

At the bottom of the short list, I have a motto. It’s more moving to me than the list of things I want…

Stop thinking about what you want. Think about how you want to feel.

Instead of looking for what will make you happy, focus on what you’re good at.

Rather than planning to get ahead, find a way to help others.


Stay Positive & People Over Platforms, People Over Things


Unlocking Potential: Q&A #8 With Zachary Lukasiewicz

Unlocking Potential: Q&A #8 With Zachary Lukasiewicz

Zachary LukasiewiczThe only direction Zachary Lukasiewicz knows is forward. He’s never in the same spot twice and he never backtracks. He’s a dreamer and a doer who understands progress. Through hustling, he sweats passion.

After connecting with him on LinkedIn, we had a Random Call where we chatted entrepreneurship, tackling fear, and staying positive. He’s a cool cat to know. One that’s going places.

That is why I chose Zachary for my eighth Q&A in my Unlocking Potential series.

Welcome, Zachary.

Q: In just a few sentences, tell me about yourself, better yet, what would others say about you if asked?

Zach has a passion for hacking together community-focused subscription-based products and growing companies through social media and content channels.

Q: What do you do?

I start conversations that revolutionize products and raise profits. Currently I’m working with Think Digital (ad agency) on building a product to creating more knowledge leaders via LinkedIn, and working with Hatchlings (Facebook application) to optimize customer funnels for conversion.

Q: How do you define marketing?

The total defined experience and interaction with a product – from search optimization to purchase behavior to delivery to my favorite part – building evangelists through continued customer interaction. Each piece is essential, and without any a product is destined to fail.

Q: What is one of the most valuable experiences you’ve had?

Putting myself through a $3,000 copy-writing course taught by expert John Carlton. A friend and I went through the course in a week, and it taught us how to frame components of your product to create a beautiful sales page and create compelling content that converts.

Q: What are two habits you deem necessary for any entrepreneur?

Habits change, but the mindset that you need to maintain has two major themes, summed up in the following quotes.

– Imagine that there is someone working 24 hours a day to BE BETTER THAN YOU. If you don’t believe that, then entrepreneurship isn’t for you.

– You should always be embarrassed by your first iteration of your product. While it isn’t perfect, its miles ahead of most “wantrepreneurs”.

Q: What are three life lessons you’ve learned a long the way?

– Stand on the shoulders of others. Learn from their mistakes and don’t make them yourself.

– Your network is like a muscle. Stretch it, and it will grow and strengthen. But atrophy will take its toll if you don’t exercise enough.

– Have others build your product. Humans by nature are always willing you to tell you what’s wrong. If you can solve that problem, and they are willing to pay for it, then build it. REMEMBER: Validation isn’t when the problem exists, it’s when you can get others to pay you for the solution.

Q: What are some common mistakes marketers make and how could they resolve them or prevent them altogether?

Most marketers don’t give a darn about anything yet have an opinion about everything. Learn to break through the clutter and you will be successful. This leads directly into my next point.

Most marketers will waste – yes, WASTE years, possibly even decades stumbling to learn how to market and sell products that others create. Be remarkable YOURSELF – Create your own product, learn from others and become your own legend.

Q: Anything else you want to add that starting entrepreneurs should know?

Befriend the most successful people in your network. Then shut your mouth and take in everything. Then take what you’ve learned and apply it to yourself and your company. If you do this correctly, your network should change every 6-12 months. If it’s not, you either aren’t stretching yourself, aren’t reaching out to enough successful entrepreneurs, or aren’t following the advice that you need to be following.

ps – There is a simple solution to get rich: Find out how the rich got rich.

Q: Where can people find you and your art?

Follow me or connect with me on LinkedIn . That is my social network, my blog, etc.


Stay Positive & Get Out There And Make A Ruckus

25 Life Lessons You Need To Know To Succeed

  • Begin taking responsiblity for everything in your life, even if you had nothing to do with it.
  • Implement an everyday attitude check: Are you believing in yourself?
  • Just do it… yourself. Don’t waste time telling others to do it. Do it yourself, take responsiblity. The more adapt you get to taking responsibilities, the more successfully you can handle your dream job.
  • Mistakes teach you what you should have prepared for. Learn them and appreciate them.
  • Invest in yourself.
  • Write a plan even if you never look at it again.
  • Stick with it until you win.
  • ^ Quit quitting. Finish. Ship. Just freaking complete it!
  • Do as much self teaching as you would learn from others.
  • The world doesn’t just give luck to anyone. Only to those with a positive attitude and who work hard.
  • You are the best, take people’s time, you deserve it.
  • Until we change what school is for, no one is going to stop and make sure you get your daily dose of inspiration.
  • Don’t wait for someone to come to you.
  • ^ People die standing still.
  • Procrastination is more expensive than the resources it would cost to achieve your goal.
  • Everyone believes they deserve better. At some point in your life, the only way to receive better is to quite complaining and do better.
  • The things you give for nothing can never be replaced.
  • The goal is new ideas and approaches, not consensus.
  • It will always be “the best time in all of history”.
  • Everything is dynamic.
  • If someone isn’t willing to buy, it’s not a loss, it’s a chance to improve.
  • Success is relative to the quality of the process.
  • Always seek to be surprised.
  • Trying gives you the right to try again.


Stay Positive & Share Your 25 Life Lessons In The Comments Section

Garth E. Beyer