Why You Can Find Me On Every Social Media Outlet

Stretch Yourself To Learn Every Platform

I’m all for focusing on one social media platform and becoming the master of it. I’m friends with some remarkable people who have built their businesses around a single platform, be it LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or another.

For individuals, it may work, but as a freelance PR strategist, I can tell you from experience no business will be convinced that they should stay on a single platform.

To many businesses, the extra handful of clients they can get just by using another social media platform is worth the time and effort.

It’s for this reason you can find me on every social media outlet, why I exhaust myself keeping up with the learning curve of every platform, and… why businesses choose to work with me.

There are benefits and consequences to both sticking with one platform or stretching yourself across all. Which do you think is better?


Stay Positive & Both Require The Same Amount Of Hustle

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Garth Beyer
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