Be Remarkable: Shun The Naysayers & Your Lizard Brain

Be Remarkable: Shun The Naysayers & Your Lizard Brain

I tell my team I only want to hear how we can make an idea work. I don’t want to hear all the issues of why it won’t work UNLESS they provide a solution to it that makes the work more remarkable. Otherwise we push through, we ship, and if it fails, then we figure […]

Exercising Your Lizard Brain Pathways

In short, the prefrontal cortex part of your brain controls your reasoning and logic. Your amygdala, often called the Lizard Brain controls your fight or flight response. When you feel nervous, anxious, and start thinking of all the “reasons” not to do something — that’s not the prefrontal cortex speaking up, that’s the Lizard Brain. […]

The Lizard Brain, Again?

Yes, because it never really goes away. The lizard brain is everywhere, but the best time to catch it is right at the beginning. The beginning of a project, anyway. Why? So that when it comes knocking again (it always will), you will be ready to dance with it. Daily I meet people who have […]

Are You Up For It? (A Bit About The Lizard Brain)

When you consider taking a risk, taking an action for something you want, you have twenty seconds to act before the lizard brain fires up. Once the lizard brain realizes you’re about to take a risk, it will make you think of every reason not to take it, not to do what you want. If […]

Before It’s Needed

Far better to act now. Before the boss does. Before you get content and inaction becomes the normal pattern. Before the iron cools off. Before the lizard brain speaks up. Before someone else does and gets the credit. Before you’re distracted. Before you finish reading this blog post. Before it’s needed. Stay Positive & Sooner […]