Impulse And The Lizard Brain

Impulse And The Lizard Brain

I nearly didn’t attend a business seminar today. I’ve known about the seminar for a week. Millions of thoughts ran through my mind as to why I shouldn’t go: Will it really be worth it? What if I don’t like the people? I don’t know enough about this organization, seems risky to attend. I might be able to spend my time on something more important.

At the last second I said screw it, I’ll find out for myself if it’s worth it.

And here’s what happened: I showed up and was the only one there.

The. Only. One.

Awkward? That’s what your lizard brain is telling you. Instead, it was one of the most rewarding experiences I have been part of. I had one on one interactions with the two business experts hosting the “seminar.” We went so deep into discussion about business that one of the seminar leaders stopped an hour in, chuckled and stated that with all the other groups he has taught, he’s never had such a comprehensive discussion with an attendee.

Time and time again, just doing the things that the little voice inside my head says I shouldn’t do have made the biggest difference on my path toward success.

There’s a difference between a hunch and a moment of anxiety.

There’s a difference between a gut feeling and an uneasy feeling in your stomach.

There’s a difference between an impulse and when the lizard brain fires.


Stay Positive & It Pays To Notice Which You’re Experiencing

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Garth Beyer
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