Poetry Night 009

For a Moment I Forgot We Were in the Jardin des Tuileries


A thought carries as much weight as a ball thrown in the air, suddenly pulled by gravity.

My thoughts of love finding safe haven in your heart, like that of a turtle in its shell.


I feel your hands closing on that love, like the closing of swan’s wings when it lands beside its mate.


Our hands and hearts entwined, and tangled like the roots of beautiful flowers near the Judas tree.

A walk with you in the garden and suddenly I’m drawn to an aroma.


You’re perfect in the sunlight.


I caught your scent in the breeze,

The smell of an almond tree.

I can taste its sweet nectar and not be harmed.

The alchemy only lips can provide.


The sun right above, but you are the heat.


–          Everett

Poetry Night 008

The Expectation


I am your shadow.

I am the sun that put it there.


I am the sound.

I am the soul that sings.


I am your wish.

I am the coin thrown into the fountain.


I am the rope.

I am the knot tying us together.


I am your hope.

I am the crystal ball you look through.


I am the expectation.

I am the love that will make it happen.


Stay Positive and Fulfilling Of Expectations

Garth E. Beyer


Poetry Night 007

Tonight I want to share a poem that I read in Tim Ferriss’s “4 Hour Work Week”. I can say nothing more, this young girl who wrote the poem says it all. This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. It was sent by a medical doctor – Dr. Yeou Cheng Ma. Please do what you can to help fulfill this young girl’s dreams.


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You’d better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask “How are you?”
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You’d better slow down
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Ever told your child,
We’ll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say “Hi”?
You’d better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift….
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

Stay Positive and Slow Dance

Garth E. Beyer

Poetry Night 006

Poetry Night 006

Lifetime, No More

If there was one law that could be created with my mind,

It would be that of one without consequential design.

As for all before have threatened to define,

That the most invaluable factor of life is time.

Time is not money, it is life – that’s why we call it lifetime —

All time is lost when our unconscious remain confined.

We cannot know what would be best after all,

Until we make mistakes and thus refine.

So I beg of you to put this one law to all of mankind —

That we may never swing with our mistakes and bind;

To have the ability to rewind.

After all, rewinding to not have to live the experience does not mean that we leave the lesson behind

– Everett

As I said, I would share my transition from the original poem I began writing to the final one that I published at the beginning of this post. If I have learned one thing from poetry or all writing, when we write we are on a constant search to find ourselves. But we rarely find our true selves because writing allows us to recreate ourselves, destroy ourselves, erase the past, embrace the future, and above all else, change ourselves. When we do find ourselves, we cease to be writers.

If you wish to see the first thing I wrote down before I truly thought about the poem and myself, continue reading. (All feedback always appreciated!)

One law can change everything, but everything cannot change one law.

Fray to the one who to this remains unseen

Three cheers to our imagination that doesn’t see what we saw

For when we are down it is up a bendable bond by law

Aw, what a shame we cannot control the borders around us

For fear that a man without a cage will be nothing less then a lion in a rage

But there are people on earth that must

Explore the connection of the world

For what they belive and trust

Only then can you realize the one  law you could create

That no laws could be created in the first place

I encourage you as well to write a poem based off the prompt of “If you could create one law, what would it be and why?” and share it with me.

Stay Positive and Lawsed

Garth E. Beyer

Poetry Night 005

Tonight we have a bit more aggressive of a poem. Yet at the same time you will feel the sense of certainty and almost humility. I hope you feel that this poem is well performed, please give me any feedback you may have. Enjoy.

The Conduction of Being Out-Witted


Here I am wearing abestros gloves trying to impress

With my hands I speak half in earnest, half in jest

Your quarter heart of wit I deem to suppress


You face it and suddenly become faceless

Forgetting what is tangible only to attest

Here I am wearing abestros gloves trying to impress


The weight of your distrust, I could barely bench press

Crushing words consuming my mind, a complete infest

Your quarter heart of wit I deem to suppress


For all it will take, is for me to transgress

To install a crimson finish to your conquest

Here I am wearing abestros gloves trying to impress


That sturdy throne, from which you sat, too easy to dispossess

And to think, an hour ago I was only your guest

Your quarter heart of wit I deem to suppress


Knowledge is power, and now the world I possess

My mind you tried to conquer; now your spirit heads west

Here I am wearing abestros gloves trying to impress

Your quarter heart of wit I deem to suppress


–          Everett


Stay Positive and Cut-Throat

Garth E. Beyer

Poetry Night 004

Poetry Night 004

A Mental Buzz: When Thoughts Attack

Tonight I just want to share a quick random poem I wrote one night when I was hyper at 1:00am in the morning.


A Palpable Sentiment

The frame around us is delicate, but the canvas is strong with color.

I want shoes made out of love, nothing other.

Lions, tigers, beard, robbers,

Purple boots, and blue car coppers,

Painted scenes, I’m up all night.

Flying kites and Slaying monsters,

Speak to me in foreign tongues. Share your secrets one by one.

Falling asleep without a parachute, only because you are the sky I fell through.

I just can’t compete with the addictions I’ve made.

Sunshine is racing to the green terrace, my mind is pacing.

Slanted trees, thoughts slow the breeze.

Caught in every intricate corner of my frame, wicked webs holding me in-sane.

Causing me to smirk at my mighty fine work,

As I dance on the dust of wishes being whispered and lost.

Pleading for the arrival of this out worldly superstition survival, lost.

Oh! Just watch me walk across this river,

As the children turn the world upside down on the monkey bars and snicker,

This life is only a faithful conception of a falsely illusive figure.

–          Everett


I’m spending time with family in Illinois so no great explanation for the poem. As all of my poetry, I hope you use your imagination to create a story behind the poem.


Stay Positive and Imaginate

Garth E. Beyer

Poetry Night 003

In condolences to all who dread the winter season, I offer you a winter seasonal haiku. Enjoy.


dirty shoelaces
zipped up high with chin enclosed
toes ready to break

I hope you have a wonderful winter season! What are you doing to keep yourself occupied? Any sustainable hobbies? Writing poetry of your own? Do share!

Stay Positive and Stay Warm

Garth E. Beyer