Poetry Night 009

For a Moment I Forgot We Were in the Jardin des Tuileries


A thought carries as much weight as a ball thrown in the air, suddenly pulled by gravity.

My thoughts of love finding safe haven in your heart, like that of a turtle in its shell.


I feel your hands closing on that love, like the closing of swan’s wings when it lands beside its mate.


Our hands and hearts entwined, and tangled like the roots of beautiful flowers near the Judas tree.

A walk with you in the garden and suddenly I’m drawn to an aroma.


You’re perfect in the sunlight.


I caught your scent in the breeze,

The smell of an almond tree.

I can taste its sweet nectar and not be harmed.

The alchemy only lips can provide.


The sun right above, but you are the heat.


–          Everett