What The Click!

Click Responsibly

Clicking is a public act now.

The attention we give is the attention we get back. We control the media.

This shouldn’t be a surprise. It’s the same concept with our lives, our work, our art. We are the editors of it all, and someone is always watching. What people see can be defined as the influence we have on them, on the world.

We can fight it. We can close the shades. We can turn on Private Browsing. We can store away our art or not talk about the wars going on around the world. Or…. or we can make the sacrifices we need to make to only click what matters, to do what matters, to show what matters.

Before you ask what the click is up with our culture, remember we’re the ones shaping it.


Stay Positive & Drown Out The Negativity

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Garth Beyer
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