Goosebump Advertising

Snapchat could be an advertisers solution to the fading mass email list.

It’s easy for someone to delete what they can recognize as spam.

And, in this new fast-paced-digital-age world, we don’t need to read a long advertisement or watch a 10-minute promotional video to know if we are in or not. Really, 10 seconds will do.

That’s where Snapchat (and I suppose, Instagram and Vine too) comes in. If I, or any marketer/advertiser/PRS wanted, we could find millions of usernames and send a 10 second promo video of us playing music, a website to visit, an experiment we’ve done and so on in order to convince a stranger to connect with us.

It’s an entirely new feature to being personal and having fun with advertising.

Gives me goosebumps.


Stay Positive & Make It Quick

Garth Beyer
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