How Much To Learn?

There’s no shortage of information out there.

As a result, it’s obvious that no risks need to be taken without a bit of research to start.

ChatGPT can help with a marketing plan framework.

YouTube can help with understanding how to remove your dishwasher.

A Q&A with recently published authors at the local bookstore can help you understand all the steps of getting your novel published.

With great knowledge, however, comes the responsibility of having to determine when it’s your turn.

Your turn to launch the marketing campaign; your turn to disassemble the dishwasher and discover what’s different about yours than the YouTube video; your turn to hit the publish button and figure out what you’ve missed specific to you.

Because there’s one truth about learning; doing is always different. Always.

Stay Positive & Speed To Doing (Because There’s More Learning To Be Had)

Garth Beyer
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