It Might Not Be Skill Gaps

It’s easy to assume progress isn’t made because of skill gaps.

It might be the case, definitely, but more times than not… it’s not.

It’s often focus gaps or attention gaps or bandwidth gaps which all sort of says the same thing: where is the time going each day?

I supposed you could say time management is a skill gap. But no one hires for that. There’s no Director of Time Management. (Perhaps there should be?) I’d argue that’s not a leader’s responsibility either – to manage time. Manage expectations and direction and quality of work, sure, but time? Not directly, anyway.

(Could you imagine how emotionally tolling that would be? “I want you to spend 10 minutes on this. No more. I don’t care what the reason.”


That is… unless you’re connecting time to goals and OKRs and what the company needs each person to focus on. It’s talking about time without talking about time.

Rather than skill gaps… find the time gaps and you’ll find the reason you’re not making the progress you want to make.

Stay Positive & Time Is Focus, Focus Is Money/Progress/Success/Impact…

Garth Beyer
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