
In the 21st century, we’re more about creating landmarks than we are letting anything of old become one. Good or bad is still to be determined.

Worth mentioning, “a major landmark” has become a buzzword in the business of progress. The overuse has earned itself a lesser meaning.

The following photos are of four real landmarks set in the rural settings of Blackburn, Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale districts of East Lancashire, England.


Artists of all kinds are leaving landmarks for the mass to see. The best part about the 21st century landmarks is that few of the creators sit around gazing at their own work. They are off creating more.

To the 21st century-ers, works of art have become known as landmarks simply by being placed around the world for all to see. Sure, earning recognition, but most of the time artists do so for the pure enjoyment of sharing one’s work rather than credibility, reward, or merit.

Personally, my favorite part about creating a landmark is the moment when you think to yourself onto the next one.


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