Standard Size

If it’s standard size, there’s bound to be some efficiencies.

It’s also likely that whatever is standard size, is familiar and fit for the masses.

The problem is that no one ever talks about anything that’s the standard size.

The larger problem is thinking that there are more people who want standard size than there actually are.

On the flip side: something that’s not the standard size is sure to be talked about (damn Costco carts are huge… dang this business card is cool… and so on) and it’s also a smarter business move because the age of the masses isn’t as easy to connect with as it once was; different people want different things.

The long tail cares about non-standard size; they care about the size that fits them specifically, and the people like them, too. They want a size that makes them feel seen.

Stay Positive & Start Looking

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Garth Beyer
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