[The Important] Steps To Building A Business

1) Build your business backwards

Why do you exist? What is your mission? How can you see your mission changing from when you start it to five years from now?

2) Trash the map

But still set goals. You don’t need an exact step-by-step plan. Why? If you didn’t know already, plans change. They always change.

3) How you sing in the shower

is typically the voice that will resonate best with people. It makes you vulnerable, humble, and human. You need to have a voice that sets you apart.

I also suggest dressing the same way each day, too. Steve Jobs built his image around the black turtleneck, jeans and white shoes. Seth Godin has his bald head. And I have my hair. Here’s a good read on this.

4) Clear the fog

Be forward with potential clients and customers. Tell them exactly what you can do for them. Be sure it’s remarkable. Don’t hold back, but still find ways to go the extra-mile.

5) Wear cologne

People can smell your enthusiasm, your excitement, your passion. If you don’t have those characteristics, you’re not doing what you really love. Anyhow, a great chunk of what fills customers with joy is simply seeing you filled with it. Use them as a mirror.

6) Acquire a dislike for vanilla

Do what others are not. Try what others have not. Dream like anything is possible, because it is.

7) Don’t get attached

Be ready to change, adapt, and overcome. You can prepare for this by returning to step #1.

8) Stay Positive

It always works out. But more importantly, it always works out for those who keeping working at it.


Stay Positive & Start Incorporating These Steps Now

Down and Out Route To Success

“Not for too long”

I’m going to use a personal example, only because I know you can relate. All my life, I was told not to push it. To not do something for too long. To not over-do it. My parents knew I would burn out. If I was on the computer too long, I would get a migraine. If I lifted really heavy weights, I would pull a muscle. If I worked 10 or 11 hour days in construction, I would get muscle strain in my back. If I tried to memorize everything the night before a test, my brain would be kaput in the morning. I burned out, I crashed, essentially I failed.

Sound familiar?

You get pushed down. You get hit. You fall repetitively. You fail over and over.  Yet, somehow, you never fail to get up. It’s something engrained into your character, your heart and your minds desire to constantly adapt and improve. Setback is only temporary. It may last a day, a week, a year, but it will always subside and something will replace it: Success

Down and Out

When you burn out from doing something. You’re being gets that much better at doing it. How about the time you got sick because you stayed up too late for a few nights. Yet, the next month you were up late four days in a row and turned out fine. Or what about the time you got a headache from writing at your computer for 6 hours straight. Yet, after getting 3 more headaches, your average writing time at your computer became the same as a full-time job – with ease. You will noticeably experience this at least a few times each month that you are able to perform harder, put forth more effort, dedicate more time to the things that you constantly burn out doing. In fact, this is actually the source of constant adaptation.


Stay Positive & Failure Is Friendly To Those Who Don’t Fight It

Garth E. Beyer