Getting Started In Freelance PR

Getting Started In Freelance PR

Get Access To Experts

I wish I could say it was a rough start for me to get into freelancing, but it wasn’t. That’s not to say the work wasn’t absolutely overwhelming, because it was.

Getting clients is easy when you know what you both want, know how to woo, know how to communicate. Doing the work, though, can be scary. That’s why I’m sharing this piece of advice with you: you don’t need to be an expert, you only need to have access to experts.

When I started freelancing I didn’t know much of what I was doing, but I tried because I had access to some trusted professionals I would run my work by before I handed it to the client.

The lack of knowledge isn’t a valid excuse not to start anything anymore. The lack of resources and connections might be, but, you are able to change that aren’t you?

You don’t need to be an expert, you only need to have access to experts.


Stay Positive & Go Start Something

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