Just One Thing I Love About The Web

Endless Staircase, Fear

Anything is possible.

From backpacking in an inhabited (by humans) jungle for two weeks to breaking a world record, we can find blogs and YouTube videos to prove they’re possible. Didn’t think a certain web design or mouse contraption could be developed? The Internet tells us otherwise.

It’s a brilliant, but scary thing.

While it shows us the endless possibilities of anything and everything, it also pulls the curtain from which we so often hide behind.

We can’t use “it’s never been done” as an excuse anymore. In fact, we can’t really believe in impossible anymore either. As cliché as it is, the web is proving that if you can imagine it, you can make it happen. Scarily, it reminds us that if we don’t make it happen, someone will.

The world and the web is a scary place. I guess that’s what I love about it.


Stay Positive & Run At Fear, Not Away

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Get good at it.

Nothing will get you to where you want to go quicker, than being quick and overdoing all you currently have.

Do more than is asked, more than expected, and more than you thought was possible.


Stay Positive & Overdose On Your Success

Garth E. Beyer