Writing On The Wall

My friend Michelle inspired me to write this post.

When I was growing up, my first AIM (AOL instant messenger) username was Writing0nTh3WaLL. My favorite song was “The Writing On The Wall.” And oddly enough, I liked to write on walls. – Still do –

Today, I read a post of Michelle’s which said, “You may never see the writing on the wall.”

In NYC, there’s a thing called the Underbelly Project. It’s where you can find all the writing on the wall. But it’s a different kind of writing, the most passionate kind; the kind that those writing it knew it may not work.

When you wait and look for the writing on the wall you aren’t only playing it safe, you’re regressing.

With your art, nothing is certain even in your most certain moments. When you are waiting for the guarantee of success or failure, when you rehearse through every failure or success, when you try to  steady your hand before you take a whack at the nail, you’ll never follow through. Doing is about risking.

When you use the writing on the wall idiom, you’re also insinuating that there are people who don’t see it. (If everyone could see it, there would be no need for the idiom.)

Leave it to other people to see the writing on the wall.


Stay Positive & More People Are Wrong About The Writing On The Wall Than They Are Right

Garth E. Beyer

There Is Always A Guarantee

People get nudges, hunches and feelings in their stomach that they are 100% right about something, without a doubt, it’s guaranteed.

That impulse, that intuitive response is what every PR Specialist must produce for every client. Whether it is a small guarantee of reaching a specific person in the audience you are reaching out to or as big of a guarantee as increasing profits by 67% within the first week and a half of implementing the new customer relations strategy you created.

There is no trust between you and your client without a guarantee. For a PR Specialist, that connection must be there because the success rate of your “guarantee’s” is what defines your credibility.

Making a guarantee is an act of colossal responsibility, and with this responsibility lies a power which is often abused. That power being the construction of a guarantee of outcomes in sectors of the strategy which you have no control or influence over.

To make a successful connection between you and your client (financially speaking as well), you must work to discover the largest guarantee you can make.

To make a successful PR Specialist, you must do this with every client and know that crossing the line even once can set you back further than where you began.

While you may believe that you will simply provide small, simple guarantees, you need to accept the fact that your credibility, your status, your repertoire is only as substantial as the guarantees you make and live up to.