Those Goals, In Short

Life is more fun without goals. You get to go with the flow and live in the moment, breathe, enjoy, relax. Your planner is clear, in fact, you might not even have a planner.

I titled this post “Those Goals, In Short” for two reasons. One, I’m keeping this short for you. Two, not having goals is nice in the short run.

In the long run, though, those goals are vitally important to your purpose, to grand enjoyment, to living a full life.

I’m not one for saving memories, but I can’t help but carry all of them with me. Nor can you. Or your friend. Or your parents. And what makes up memories?

If you think about it, it’s goals. Because without goals, you’re only ever living in the moment, not leaving any room for the past or the future.

Going without goals is an easy thing to do. But never would I call it fun. Never would I say it’s worth it.


Stay Positive & Set A Goal, See How It Changes Things