Seven Billion Haystacks


Italo Calvino notes in his collected insights on writing that, “Senior men and women have no monopoly on great ideas. Nor do Creative people. Some of the best ideas come from account executives, researchers, and others.”

In light of my recent posts about being creative and how straining it can be, it pours positivity in our fountains of youth to remember that great ideas can be had by anyone.

There’s over seven billion people on this planet, seven billion haystacks, all with at least, at least one needle in each of them, at least one great idea.

Anyone can come up with a great idea. Of course, to some, a great idea is only great if it’s put into play. Glenn Llopis has a thing or two or twelve to say about that.


Stay Positive & Don’t Just Hold The Needle, Use It

Garth E. Beyer

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