In The Box Podcast

Episode 20: Not Knowing, New Info, Focus vs Multitasking And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we chatted about effectively managing time, how one comes to terms with their own mortality, if we operate better while multitasking, how to come to terms with not knowing and how to shed old worldviews.

Episode 20: Not Knowing, New Info, Focus vs Multitasking And More

Time – How do you effectively manage your time? (One tool/tip)

Mortality – What is one way you come to terms with your own mortality?

Focus vs Multitasking – Is our power/intellect at its prime when we focus on one thing or does multitasking require more skill?

Not knowing – How can we come to terms with not knowing? ex: not knowing if it will work, not knowing if we should try, etc.

New Info – How do you critically engage new info that is different from a previously held strong belief?


Stay Positive & What’s One Way You Mange Your Time?