Numbing Emotions

There’s actually no way you can. You can hide them but they don’t play that game very well. By default emotions do the seeking. You can fake them, and sure, sometimes you fake it until you make it, but rarely.

Rarely because emotions are the effervescence of your pursuit. It’s not the way you painted the portrait that an observers falls in love with, it’s the emotion that they can see was put into it.

On the other side of the spectrum, you can’t numb the negative emotions of vulnerability, of being rejected, of getting criticism that you couldn’t handle. And that’s okay.

The way I see it is this: falling down doesn’t cease the pain.

The only options you have are to either keep creating art despite how much it may hurt or to find a new way to make better art by leveraging your emotions. You may not be able to numb them, but you can always leverage them.


Stay Positive & Lean Into Discomfort

Garth E. Beyer

When Things Don’t Go Your Way

It happens plenty of times over. Things don’t go your way. Typically, you get upset, frustrated, hurt, emotional, skeptical, hesitant, and any other negative emotion until the next day.

Your mind thinks, “Well, this sucks. Tomorrow better be a better day.” And of course, this most commonly happens in the morning or afternoon of the day – with plenty of time to turn the bad day around. But no. You’ve already decided that since something didn’t go your way, your entire day is ruined.

From plenty of experience, I’ve learned something remarkable. When things don’t go your way and you sort of ignore it, you will end up getting other tasks done you have wanted to do, or something positive happens – maybe a friend calls to share the news that she is pregnant and they have chosen you to be the godfather – and your day ends up being great.

The only reason days don’t end up great when something doesn’t go your way is when you acknowledge that you will then have a bad day because of it.

Dispute it all you want, but our days are naturally set to be good. It’s our mindset that alters that. Lucky for you, you have control over your mindset.

The easiest way to alter your mindset, to reset your day to naturally good, to give fate another shot when things don’t go your way, is to ignore that they didn’t.

Stay Positive & Carry On

Garth E. Beyer