25 Ways To Get A New Perspective

1) Talk to a homeless person

2) Go into a specialty shop, like the store that still cells cd’s and records, and ask the owner how he got into his business

3) Give someone your number

4) Ask someone from the opposite gender for theirs

5) Make eye contact through an entire conversation

6) Take public transportation

7) Go through the application process for a job you don’t want

8) Travel out of the country or just outside your town

9) Go into a store, ask a clerk what is the bestseller and figure out why

10) Ask a brewery, a farmer, a beekeeper if they could use a hand

11) Do something that you did as a kid, but haven’t in a long time

12) Visit an ethnic restaurant and order the safest thing on the menu and watch how other people eat

13) Take a walk through the nearest arboretum or botanical gardens

14) Fly in a small plane or helicopter, it’s worth the money for a birds eye view

15) Go to the movie theater alone

16) Fast for one full day

17) Make a really crappy craft and give it to someone who has never received a gift

18) Ask a group if you can join them: in frisbee, in bowling or in conversation

19) Watch a documentary this weekend

20) Bake cookies and bring them to your local fire station (ask for a tour if they don’t offer)

21) Read a poem from someone who is dead and someone who is alive

22) Ask a friend of a friend to put music on your ipod (or ask to borrow theirs for a few days)

23) Excessively tip a waiter/waitress and see how they react

24) Purge your living space of everything you haven’t used/touched in the last year

25) Write your own obituary


Stay Positive & Go Learn To Think About Things Differently