It’s Not Better Late Than Never

It’s Not Better Late Than Never

Show up early. Apply early. Get up early. Get there early. Send it early.

Sometimes you’ll get somewhere early and end up waiting.

Sometimes you’ll send the email early and not get a response until late.

More often than not, you’ll get a response, a connection, a reward for being early.

It’s been nearly three years since I wrote It PAYS To Be Early. Every experience I’ve had since then has reaffirmed my belief in there always being benefits to doing and showing up to things early. I’ve learned one more important thing.

The times I have been late… the trending result was the same as if I never showed up, never applied, never sent that email.


Stay Positive & Early Is Better Than Late And Never

Show Up Early, Stay Late

Show Up Early, Stay Late

Pick Yourself event

When it comes to work, simply show up on time, do the important work first and end up leaving early.

When it comes to meetings, events, gatherings, seminars, networking parties, ceremonies, workshops, conventions, conferences, and powwows, show up early and stay late.

By showing up early, you have a hand at setting the agenda or at least setting up the room (perhaps so you get to sit by those who have the most influence?), you get to meet the organizer(s) (they are like the secretary, as important to have like you as the boss), and you get more time to make friends with others who show up early (making friends is a reason you’re there, right?).

By staying late, you get to connect with others who attended and are hoping to connect too (you’re not chasing connections), you typically get to meet the keynote speaker or the key influencer if you stick around (you’ll learn what they didn’t get to tell you during their time in the spotlight), and you’ll hear the down and dirty of what people really think (both helping you know who to avoid and how to make things go smooth if you ever organize an event yourself).

The things you learn, see and hear before and after an event is sometimes more fruitful than the event itself.


Stay Positive & Don’t Take My Word For It. Go Learn, See, And Hear For Yourself

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