Don’t Forget The Friend With…

10 close friends.

You can start marketing to the top 1 percent of people who are obsessed with your product, who blog endlessly about the type of product you offer, who are the go-tos for anything related to your product…

or you can find one friend who has 10 close friends who trust her and ask her to share your product with them and then ask them to share the product with 10 of their closest friends.

Virality of a product is carried out by those who sneeze easily and sneeze often, not by those who sniff 100 ideas before they sneeze one. Sure, you’ll see a spike in sales from the connoisseur or aficionado, but then you wait worrying if the idea will stick with people or if it’s just a spotlight phase.

With 10 friends referring 10 friends, you won’t need to worry.


Stay Positive & Make The Obsessed Find You

Which Monopoly Piece Is About To Get Sent To Jail Forever? You Decide

There are a lot of people who I want to say “You do not pass Go. You do not collect $200”

Specifically, the people who are shouting at Hasbro for getting rid of one of the monopoly pieces.

Haven’t heard of this yet? View this post and more importantly, read the comments!

My response?

People need to think long-term.

1. This is viral marketing at its finest. Now the newer generations know about monopoly. And nothing get’s adapters wanting to adapt more than seeing that change is ticking off the older generations.

2. Whichever piece goes will become rare. A selling point for previous holders and future Monopoly; you’ll have to pay more to get the game with the losing piece. Now Monopoly is appealing to collectors and fanatics.

3. Bringing sexy back.

Any kind of change has the chance of being a change for the better. I think Monopoly has great foresight. And come on, it’s Monopoly, it’s Hasbro. Do you really believe that they would make such a critically terrible decision such as this? Or are people (you?) looking at it in a different way?

Do tell.