The Only Drama That’s There

Is the drama you bring.

Drama can’t be given, it can only be produced.

Implying that it’s a choice.

“They didn’t hold up their end.”

“I’m getting crushed and thrown in a bunch of directions.”

“No one is available to help.”

^ those are statements that build the drama.

v alternatives that make you look like the professional you are.

“Next time we’ll bring him into the meeting sooner.”

“What do you need my #1 priority to be.”

“We need two people. I have one locked in. Can you help me get the second?”

If you’re rambling, heart is racing, pointing blame, frazzled… you’re creating drama.

The alternative is a choice you can make at any time.

Stay Positive & The Calm That’s There Is The Calm You Bring

Garth Beyer
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