The Tragedy Of Practice Makes Perfect

The more you do something, the better you get.

What they don’t tell you is that the more you do something, the better you expect from yourself to do.

It’s bittersweet, really.

I’ve written 1,700 words a day for my novel. I think it’s turning out really great, but every time I sit down to write my 1,700 words, I have to remind myself that just because I get better when I write more, doesn’t mean what I write today will be better.

When we forget to remind ourselves of that – whether it’s writing, painting, making calls, or whatever – then we make ourselves vulnerable to disappointment and defeat.

How you did yesterday might have been great. How you will do today, though, can only be determined once it’s done and you can’t use it as a prediction for how you will do tomorrow. Doing so only makes giving up easier.

Garth Beyer
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